In this scenario, you will detect defects on the surface of a bevel gear by training an AI model using the Surface Anomaly Detector tool. To evaluate this scenario, you will need a GoMax NX, GoMax ORIN or GoMax ORIN+ with GoPxL or newer installed.
Follow the steps below to load the scenario:
1. Download the example provided and uncompress this in a local drive.
2. Connect to GoPxL on GoMax, access the support page and open the .gpsup support file in the archive.
3. From the loaded jobfile, access the Surface Anomaly Detector tool configuration and press the Train button.
4. On the project page, upload the .gpproj file included in the archive, then exit the wizard.
5. Return to the Surface Anomaly Detector tool and select a model then review the results on the recorded data.
In this scenario, you will detect defects on the surface of a tire by training an AI model using the Surface Anomaly Detector tool. To evaluate this scenario, you will need a GoMax NX, GoMax ORIN or GoMax ORIN+ with GoPxL or newer installed.
Follow the steps below to load the scenario:
1. Download the example provided and uncompress this in a local drive.
2. Connect to GoPxL on GoMax, access the top-right replay interface and open the .gprec file in the archive.
3. From the loaded jobfile, access the Surface Anomaly Detector tool configuration and press the Train button.
4. On the project page, upload the .gpproj file included in the archive, then exit the wizard.
5. Return to the Surface Anomaly Detector tool and select a model and review the results on the recorded data.
In this scenario, you will locate foreign debris on a paper towel by training an AI model using the Surface Anomaly Detector tool. To evaluate this scenario, you will need a GoMax NX, GoMax ORIN or GoMax ORIN+ with GoPxL or newer installed.
Follow the steps below to load the scenario:
1. Download the example provided and uncompress this in a local drive.
2. Connect to GoPxL on GoMax, access the top-right replay interface and open the .gprec file in the archive.
3. From the loaded jobfile, access the Surface Anomaly Detector tool configuration and press the Train button.
4. On the project page, upload the .gpproj file included in the archive, then exit the wizard.
5. Return to the Surface Anomaly Detector tool and select a model and review the results on the recorded data.
In this scenario, you will detect defects on the surface of a golf ball by training an AI model using the Surface Anomaly Detector tool. To evaluate this scenario, you will need a GoMax NX, GoMax ORIN or GoMax ORIN+ with GoPxL or newer installed.
Follow the steps below to load the scnenario:
1. Download the example provided and uncompress this in a local drive.
2. Connect to GoPxL on GoMax, access the support page and open the .gpsup support file in the archive
3. From the loaded jobfile, access the Surface Anomaly Detector tool configuration and press the Train button.
4. On the project page, upload the .gpproj file included in the archive, then exit the wizard.
5. Return to the Surface Anomaly Detector tool and select a model and review the results on the recorded data.
In this scenario, you will measure the height of semiconductor wafer ball bumps using scan data from a Gocator 4020 coaxial line confocal sensor and Surface Plane, Surface Position, Surface Transform, Surface Dimension, and Feature Dimension tools.
In this scenario, you will perform measurements on the teeth angles of a metal automotive gear using sample data from a Gocator 2640 laser line profiler and the Surface Bounding Box, Surface Mask, Surface Plane, Surface Transform, Surface Edge, and Feature Intersect tools.
In this scenario, you will count and measure the height of cells in an EV battery module using sample scan data from a Gocator 2650 line profiler and the Surface Pattern Matching, Surface Filter, and Surface Position tools.
In this scenario, you will view sample scan data of a rubber tire captured with a Gocator 2380 laser line profiler.
In this scenario, you will measure the volume, height, width, and length of breakfast muffins on scan data from a Gocator 2350 line profiler using the Surface Volume and Surface Bounding Box tools in GoPxL.