With detailed application illustrations and industry insights on how Gocator® 3D smart sensors are used to solve specific inline inspection applications.
Factory Reality:
Assembly, Part or Feature is Larger than a Single Sensor’s Field of View
Gocator Solution:
Easy Multi-Sensor Networking
Factory Reality:
High Part Volume and Rapid Throughput Requirements
Gocator Solution:
Boost Sensor Speed
Add Gocator Accelerator (GoX, a PC-based application) to share the processing load and achieve faster cycle times to match inline production speed.
Factory Reality:
Need for Complete Shape and Contrast Inspection
Gocator Solution:
High-Resolution 3D Shape and 2D Surface Analysis
Gocator generates a 3D height map of the object surface and a 2D intensity image. Use embedded measurement tools to easily perform 3D shape analysis and 2D contrast-based measurements.
Unlike 2D, 3D measurement produces geometry data that adds critical information to determine if a part meets key assembly,
fit and finish tolerances for pass/fail decision-making.