With detailed application illustrations and industry insights on how Gocator® 3D smart sensors are used to solve specific inline inspection applications.
Factory Reality:
Fast-Moving Parts in an Inline Process
Gocator Solution:
High-Speed 3D Profiling
Built-in Profile Mode generates high-density 3D data by combining high-speed range data into a profile of the scanned part. This allows you to easily apply tools for dimensioning and inspecting object geometry.
Factory Reality:
Complex and Time-Consuming System Setup
Gocator Solution:
Web-Enabled Technologies and Efficient All-in-One Design
Factory Reality:
Part Shape and Position Variation in an Inline Process
Gocator Solution:
Achieve High Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR) with Anchoring and Part Matching
Unlike 2D, 3D measurement produces geometry data that adds critical information to determine if a part meets key assembly,
fit and finish tolerances for pass/fail decision-making.