Quickly and easily inspect interfacing surfaces.
Door Panel Gap & Flush Inspection (Robotic)
A robot-mounted Gocator® sensor detects and inspects finished assembly features (such as panel gap & flush tolerances).
Flexible Robotic Inspection
This tool comes onboard Gocator® and automatically measures the gap and flushness between two surface edges.
Built-In Gap & Flush Tool
Gocator® 2340
Workhorse 3D laser line profiler for a wide range of inspection applications.
Automate assembly applications with smart 3D robot vision.
Windshield Insertion (Robotic)
Gocator® sensors are easily mounted to robot arms, giving the robot the ability to pick up and guide parts to critical locations for insertion (e.g., doors, roofs, and windshields).
Robot Vision Guidance
Technicians use Gocator’s built-in Edge tool to determine the 3D location of critical points on the windshield aperture.
Built-in Edge Tool
Gocator® 2400 Series
Ultra-high resolution 3D sensors for advanced applications.
Leverage onboard scan, measure, and control for 100% inspection of manufactured parts.
Automotive Part Inspection
Gocator® sensors collect high-resolution 3D data from the target surface for robust quality inspection.
Precision 3D Data
Only 3D gives you the shape data (height, volume) required to inspect a wide range of automotive parts such as plastic welds, sideframes, brake rotors and more.
The 3D Advantage
Gocator® 3500
High resolution 3D snapshot sensors for robust quality inspection.
Gocator® provides robotic systems with complex 6DoF vision guidance for high-accuracy and high-speed automated assembly.
6DoF Capability
Achieve robust inspection in fixed measurement and high-tolerance applications.
Underbody Inspection
Fixed Gocator® setups can be used to measure difficult-to-scan features that robotic solutions can’t reach, such as occluded studs and holes in body-in-white and underbody inspection.
Fixed Measurement
Complete 3D Imaging
Gocator® snapshot sensors generate a complete, high-density 3D model of the scan target in a single scan trigger.
Wide FOV snapshot sensor for robust quality inspection in fixed measurement setups.
Gocator® 3210
Fast, accurate, non-contact 3D inspection of internal combustion engines.
Engine Cylinder/Piston Bowl Volume Gauging
Gocator® Volume Checker scans and measures volumes at an accuracy of ± 0.04 cm3 in a cycle time of less than 5 seconds. Traditional methods can take up to 4-5 minutes to complete.
High Accuracy Measurement
Customization with GDK
For tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers, Gocator® Development Kit (GDK) supports the development and embedding of custom measurement tools to satisfy any application-specific measurement requirement.
Gocator 3210 w/ built-in volume measurement tools
Gocator® Volume Checker
Gocator® 3D line profilers and snapshot sensors deliver leading-edge, high-performance 3D scanning and inspection solutions for the many different types of stations in the automotive manufacturing process, including tooling, framing, assembly, and inspection.
Smart 3D Machine Vision for the Automotive Industry
Learn More
This sensor leverages an ultra-wide field of view and large measurement range to scan large targets such as automotive body frames.
Recommended Solution
Gocator® 2490 Smart 3D Laser Line Profiler
Learn More
Gocator 3520 is the latest addition to our 5-megapixel stereo snapshot series––featuring an extended field of view and the same high XY resolutions and short exposure times required to achieve fast, metrology-grade scanning and inspection.
The 3520 sensor delivers smart 3D snapshot scanning and inspection into many automotive applications including powertrain inspection (engine/transmission), piston bowl gauging, wheel lug nut location inspection, body-in-white inspection (robotic), exhaust inspection, and medium scale pick-and-place of automotive components.
Recommended Solution
Gocator® 3520 Smart 3D Snapshot Sensor
Discover this revolutionary non-contact solution for 3D volume gauging of cylinder heads and piston bowls in small to medium-sized internal combustion engines.
Recommended Solution
Gocator® Volume Checker
Bluewrist’s robotic dimensional gauging systems use Gocator 3D Smart Sensors as their vision-guidance and data processing backbone.
Case Study
Bluewrist Robotic Dimensional Gauging System
See Infaimon robot-mounted Gocator 3D laser line profilers used for high-precision automotive gap & flush inspection.
Application Video
Gap & Flush Inspection
See a Gocator® 3D snapshot sensor inspect 29 holes of an automotive part, supported by VisionSoft3D software from Total Controls.
Application Video
Steering Column Inspection
See a team of UR robot-mounted Gocator 3D smart sensors at work in fully automated inline gap & flush inspection.
Application Video
Automotive Gap & Flush Inspection
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