Multi-Dimensional (2D/3D) Measurement Capability

Leverage a Suite of On-Sensor Measurement Tools and Filters

GoPxL lets you acquire and apply measurements to 3D shape and 2D intensity data for robust inspection. And the suite of built-in measurement tools and filers means you don’t need to invest in third-party software or additional resources to develop your own measurement algorithms in order to solve your application.

Powerful built-in measurement tools as well as filtering, part detection, part matching, part sectioning, part segmentation, surface track, and many more
Regular release schedule continuously expands your toolset with every subsequent iteration
Ability to use your own measurement algorithms with SDK and GDK software packages
Walk-Through a 2D/3D Measurement Toolchain (G2 Sensor) in GoPxL

Apply Measurements on 3D (Height/Shape) and 2D (Intensity/Contrast) Data

Gocator measurement tools can be applied to 3D profiles, 3D surfaces, and 2D intensity images.

Gocator allows you to:


Simultaneously generate 2D and 3D data and measurements from a single device
Perform simple 2D contrast-based inspection such as identifying surface markings, barcode, and printed text
Perform advanced 3D shape-based (height, width, volume) inspection on a wide range of manufactured parts and assemblies as well as organic materials (e.g., lumber)

Multi-Layer Profiling Capability

When running on Gocator® 5500 sensors, GoPxL lets you process 3D tomography, 3D topography, and 2D intensity data for each layer of a material, making it possible to measure the thickness of individual layers or detect defects on secondary layers in transparent and translucent materials.

Multi-layer profiling includes:

Ability to identify defects such as delamination, scratches, or dust on the surface or inside of multi-layered structures such as mobile phone displays, sealed medical packages, and more
Ability to measure and inspect up to 8 stacked profiles simultaneously
Note: Multi-layer profiling on G5 sensors leverages acceleration using GoMax NX Smart Vision Accelerator
Walk-Through a Multi-Layer Measurement Toolchain (G5 Sensor) in GoPxL

Script Tool

The new Script tool lets you solve applications that require custom processing or conditional logic to manipulate measurement values, surfaces, profiles, or geometric features passed as input from other tools, and to generate new measurement values, surfaces, profiles, or geometric features that can be passed to other tools or PLC outputs.

This tool allows you to solve more demanding applications without additional logic in a PLC or PC application.

More details about the Script tool:


User-defined Python script allows the user to add a custom processing step to a toolchain
Error log popups provide improved feedback by indicating the precise line of code that requires correction
Multiple instances of the script tool can be added to a single job
Supports access to frame stamp information and storing values in memory

Array Support

An array is a group of data messages bundled into a single data object, for example, an array of profiles or an array of surfaces. Support for Arrays offers a number of benefits when using Gocator 3D smart sensors—especially when working with multi-layer data from Gocator line confocal (G5) sensors.

About Array support:


When used on Gocator 5500 sensors, the Array Index tool lets you separate profiles or surfaces from multiple layers and apply measurements on individual or consolidated layers
When working with any Gocator sensor type, the Array Create tool lets you combine individual profiles or surfaces (e.g., from separate tools or multiple sensors) into an array, which can then be input to other measurement and processing tools to perform tool batching operations (see below)

Tool Batching Operations

When parts have multiple sub-parts or many similar features, feature locations might be unknown or can change from part to part. In these cases, you want to perform the same set of measurements on each feature despite this variability. Tool Batching in GoPxL adresses this measurement challenge.

About Tool Batching:


When batching is enabled, tool outputs become an array for each output
You can then perform batch operations of a tool on isolated elements of the array
Works with tools such as Surface Volume to obtain volume under each surface; Surface Ellipse to determine orientation of each surface; and multiple Surface Position tools to measure height at different locations

In EV battery tray inspection, enabling batching mode on a single instance of a simple toolchain processes an array of all 16 battery cell surfaces individually for discrete inspection. This operation would otherwise require a much more complex workflow with many tool instances.

Arrays provide the user with increased efficiency and productivity by grouping data items into a single structure, such as multiple profiles or surfaces, multiple measurements, or multiple features. Each element in the array can then be processed by batching or aggregating.

Batching: Tools in batching mode process each array element separately.
Aggregating: Aggregating tools combine each element in the array and process it as a single piece of data.
Walk-Through How to Use Arrays, Batching, and Aggregation in GoPxL

Still Running Gocator Firmware on Your Sensor?
Evaluate GoPxL Today.

Walk-Through a Sensor Upgrade to GoPxL
Runs on Gocator 3D Laser Profilers, Gocator 3D Snapshot Sensors, and Gocator 3D Line Confocal Sensors
Easy Download to Upgrade Your Existing Gocator Sensors to GoPxL
Includes All the Best and Most Trusted Features from Gocator Firmware with Major New Additions and Improvements
NEW Reimagined User Experience with Powerful On-Sensor Measurement and Inspection Tools
NEW Searchable Tools and Embedded Help Linked to GoPxL Measurement Tools and Filters
NEW Single Sensor and Multi-Sensor Alignment Wizard
NEW Multi-Layer Scanning and Multi-Dimensional Measurement Capability with Array Support
NEW GoHMI Custom Human-Machine Interface Builder

NOTE: While users are encouraged to evaluate GoPxL, previous Gocator Firmware releases will continue to be supported and maintained. G2 and G3 products are currently shipping with firmware or later.


Contact us for more details on GoPxL, LMI Technologies' 3D measurement and inspection platform.