Factory Communication

Support for Standard Industrial Protocols

GoPxL supports built-in I/O connectivity to communicate with factory networks and devices for reporting results, diagnostics and monitoring, software upgrades, and to exchange or combine data. Gocator sensors communicate over Ethernet (TCP/IP), and available protocols include include Gocator, EtherNet/IP, Modbus, PROFINET, and ASCII.



The Gocator protocol uses TCP messages to receive commands from client computers, and to send video, profiles, surfaces, intensity, and measurement results to client computers. You use the Gocator protocol in conjunction with the GoPxL SDK and REST API.

The protocol enables the client to:


Discover sensors on an IP network and re-configure their network addresses
Configure sensors
Send commands to run sensors, provide software triggers, read/write files, etc.
Receive data, health, and diagnostic messages
Upgrade firmware
GoPxL Gocator Protocols
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EtherNet/IP is an industrial protocol that allows bidirectional data transfer with PLCs. It encapsulates the object-oriented Common Industrial Protocol (CIP).

EtherNet/IP communication enables the client to:


Switch jobs
Align and run sensors
Receive sensor states, stamps, and measurement results
Set and retrieve runtime variables


Modbus is designed to allow industrial equipment such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), sensors, and physical input/output devices to communicate over an Ethernet network.

About Modbus:


Switch jobs
Align and run sensors
Receive sensor states, stamps, and measurement results
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PROFINET is an Industrial Ethernet network protocol that allows controllers such as PLCs to communicate with sensors.



Sensors are PROFINET IO devices with Conformance Class A
Start and stop sensors
Receive sensor states, stamps, and measurement results


This protocol communicates using ASCII strings. The output result format from the sensor is user-configurable.

About ASCII:


Over Ethernet, communication can be asynchronous or can use polling
GoPxL includes a versatile "readprop" command in ASCII and a comprehensive REST API that enable efficient access to a wide range of sensor data
ASCII GoPxL trnsp

Still Running Gocator Firmware on Your Sensor?
Evaluate GoPxL Today.

Walk-Through a Sensor Upgrade to GoPxL
Runs on Gocator 3D Laser Profilers, Gocator 3D Snapshot Sensors, and Gocator 3D Line Confocal Sensors
Easy Download to Upgrade Your Existing Gocator Sensors to GoPxL
Includes All the Best and Most Trusted Features from Gocator Firmware with Major New Additions and Improvements
NEW Reimagined User Experience with Powerful On-Sensor Measurement and Inspection Tools
NEW Searchable Tools and Embedded Help Linked to GoPxL Measurement Tools and Filters
NEW Single Sensor and Multi-Sensor Alignment Wizard
NEW Multi-Layer Scanning and Multi-Dimensional Measurement Capability with Array Support
NEW GoHMI Custom Human-Machine Interface Builder

NOTE: While users are encouraged to evaluate GoPxL, previous Gocator Firmware releases will continue to be supported and maintained. G2 and G3 products are currently shipping with firmware or later.


Contact us for more details on GoPxL, LMI Technologies' 3D measurement and inspection platform.