Smart 3D Robot Vision with Gocator®
With detailed application illustrations and industry insights on how Gocator® 3D smart sensors are used to solve specific inline inspection applications.
Factory Reality:
No Out-of-the-Box Measurement Tool Solves your Application
Gocator Solution:
Sensor Customization with Gocator Development Kit (GDK)
Factory Reality:
Need Vision-Guidance or Flexible Measurement for Robotic Systems
Gocator Solution:
Robot-Friendly Hardware + Software
Factory Reality:
No Time or Resources to Create and Deploy Your Own Measurement Tools
Gocator Solution:
Built-in Measurement Tools
Make 3D measurement reliable, repeatable and easy.
No need to send 3D point cloud data to 3rd party software.
Tools include Gap & Flush, Countersunk Hole, Surface Edge Detection, Surface Plane, and 3D Height Map with 2D Intensity Data, and more.
Unlike 2D intensity imaging, 3D is contrast invariant. This means shape is measured regardless of surface color––making 3D ideal for measuring low contrast objects. In addition, with 3D you don’t have to worry about ambient lighting or shadows affecting your scan results.
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