멀티뷰 3D 스캔 및 처리 - 3부

In part 3 we will cover multi-view processing using surface stitching.

Surface Stitching with a Single Sensor

In this approach to multi-view processing, multiple scans from a single sensor are combined to build a 3D surface to which the engineer can apply measurements. This is a cost-efficient alternative to multi-sensor inspection systems, as it achieves the same results with just a single sensor and an XY motion system or robot.

Multi-view processing using surface stitching

Multiple scan angles merged into a single 3D image of the target

Merging Separate 3D Scans into a Single 3D Model

Stitching a scan is carried out with the built-in Surface Stitch tool in Gocator®, which combines multiple scans from one snapshot sensor into a single 3D height map. The stitched 3D scan is ready to use as input by any other native tool requiring a surface to carry out advanced measurement.

Surface Stitching of Separate Frames

Merging Separate 3D Scans into a Single 3D Model

Accelerated Inline Inspection with GoMax®

When you need to process large data sets (i.e., generated from multiple-views) at production speed, you can choose to accelerate your inspection cycle times using a smart vision accelerator.

For example, GoMax® Smart Vision Accelerator instantly adds massive data processing power to your sensor or sensor network for faster inspection cycle times and improved overall inspection performance in applications where multi-view processing is required.

Smart vision acceleration increases inspection speed

Multi-View 3D Scanning and Processing with Gocator®

Unlike standard sensor solutions, Gocator® 3D smart sensors offer extensive, built-in support for multi-view scanning and processing. This capability is becoming increasingly important as engineers are tasked with inspecting larger and more complex manufactured parts travelling at high speeds.

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