Innovative Applications for Low Cost 3D Scanning Using KScan3D

The Process of Creating 3D Sculptures of Pregnant Women by Get Babied

The 3D scanner is built on using multiple Kinects connected to KScan3D software. A pregnant woman can be scanned in 360 degrees using a slowly moving pedestal. Once the data is captured and processed, the information is sent to a 3D printer where a plastic cast is printed of the pregnant belly. Other personalized keepsake such as charms for bracelets and necklaces and ceramic busts can also be created using this technology.

Photo Source: Get Babied


3D Scanning in the Desert by Ideate at Burning Man

Ideate, a part of the San Francisco nonprofit ReAllocate, wanted to prove that with the use of a cell phone’s GPS for navigation, a drone carrying medicine could be dispatched from a nearby city to people stranded after a natural disaster. They used a 3D printed figurine created using KScan3D and 3D printers to test this concept. For more information including a video, please visit the Gizmodo article: This Drone Aircraft Could Save Lives

Video Screenshot Source: Gizmodo

Netherlands-Based Art Collective, The Blue Noise Department, Uses KScan3D to Create Art Installation

Powerplay is an art installation that is focused on the physical ideals of the people from Enschede. The people were interviewed about their favorite body part they wish to 3D scan and specified which sound or music best suited them in the installation. Using a KScan3D scanner and a laser cutter, each piece is a recreation of the subjects’ favorite body part. The pieces move through the installation and in several places there are other meanings and associations that highlight their significance – as a reminder, admiration, contemplation.


Video Source: bluenoisedepartment